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Product details
File Size: 1698 KB
Print Length: 344 pages
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1 edition (May 21, 2010)
Publication Date: May 21, 2010
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#533,070 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I purchased this book for a class that I was taking while in college, after purchasing the book, instructor stated that we were not going to use it
Violence in the workplace has now reached epidemic proportions. It is an issue everywhere as evident by our turning on the television news and not letting a week go by without seeing a major story about violence taking place in offices, and other common locations. The question all of us wonder is whether or not anything can be done about this ongoing, looming, and ever pervasive issue that can cause tragedy on any given day in our lives.The answer is a clear yes and this book is the only written survey of its type and certainly is up to the minute in the explanations and strategies it provides for dealing with this problem. Author Kim Kerr is the Chief Information Officer of Verisys Corporation. His expertise includes how to manage hiring risk from a human resource and security perspective.He was previously involved in security management for the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, and subsequent Olympics in Sydney in 2000, and Salt Lake City in 2002. His principal contributors are all experts in their respective fields as well, and the book has both a flow and feel to it that it is written in one voice.Kerr takes us through crime after crime in his preface and tells us about his own experience in Edmond, Oklahoma in 1986 when what proved to be a troubled postal worker went into a post office where there were people he knew and shot 21 fellow workers including supervisors. Fourteen died and 7 were wounded.Many times prior to this tragedy there were mass killings but always among strangers. Here there were relationships. This is also where the term going "postal" came into being, although the term does not have a basis in fact. During the 16 year period from 1992 until 1998, of some 6700 homicides taking place in our country, 16 were in a post office, and yet the term persists.The vast majority of these workplace murders do not make television news even in a period where the news cycle is 24 hours. This is all the more reason why we have to do what we can to preempt such situations occurring in the work spaces that each of us occupies.What you need to know is that as of now, more than 70 percent of businesses in this country do not have a violence prevention policy, or program for that matter. You need a strategy and you need to convey to your current employees and every new employee that is hired a policy for preventing violence in the work place, and dealing with it if it doesn't happen. Nobody gets a pass on this topic, and frankly the most important thing is simply to report the occurrence of violence to someone, anyone, do not remain silent about it. There are 15 chapters in the book spread evenly through about 235 pages of narrative. I found the most interesting and useful chapters to be:Chapter 8 - Early Warning Signs: Can the Problem be Stopped Before It Starts?Chapter 9 - proactively Dealing with Anger in the WorkplaceChapter 11 - Background Screening: Important but Not the Silver BulletChapter 13 - TrainingChapter 14 - Investigating Incidents: Responding to an Active ShooterThe final chapter which is chapter 15 deals with "Cyber Threats: An Emerging Concern". I find this particularly interesting because of the possibility of cyber stalkers entering the workspace in a non physical manner. They don't show up. They come in electronically, and most employees do not even think about reporting them when they happen initially. Employees have no idea about how to deal with evidence of it happening, or how to collect it, and frankly law enforcement authorities are no better. The anonymity afforded to cyber stalkers only serves to embolden them.After reading the book, I came to the conclusion that the appendices in the back are just as important and maybe more important than the book's 15 chapters. I would advise you that upon receipt of "Workplace Violence" to immediately go through the checklists in the appendices, all of them. Between reading steps to effectuate emergency procedures, and putting into play a disaster recovery plan, you can begin to educate your employees on the first day you have this book.CONCLUSION:Keep in mind that before the World Trade Center buildings were attacked on 9/11, they were previously attacked in 1993 when a truck loaded with explosive material went off in the basement parking garage. After that tragedy a tremendous action plan was implemented to dramatically help foster an emergency evacuation from the buildings if there were a future attack.The procedures implemented included lighting similar to what you find in a movie theater when you try to get to your seat in the dark, and regularly scheduled fire evaluation drills which the floor wardens on each floor took very seriously. There were drills constantly, almost to the point of annoyance. There is no question that the orderly evacuation of the building in 2001 saved thousands of lives that might have been lost if these procedures were not implemented and rehearsed. You will remember that these wardens had only about an hour to get tens of thousands of people down some 70 flights of steps before the collapses occurred.This tragedy demonstrated conclusively what the adoption of procedures thoroughly explored and detailed in "Workplace Violence" can achieve if companies take the time and commitment to put them into place. My suggestion is if you feel you have any issue whatsoever with safety, and the potential or emergencies violent and otherwise in your workplace, you need to read this book, and act on it. This book would have been five stars, and for content it is. I gave it four stars because of the quality of the paper it was printed on and the overall feel of the book. For the contents it is first class, it really gets the job done. Thank you for reading this review.Richard C. Stoyeck
Violence in the workplace can take a variety of forms, from stalking to bullying, cyber threats and even physical mayhem, including active shooters. Kim Kerr's 2010 textbook on the subject, "Workplace Violence: Planning for Prevention and Response", is a good introduction to the problem and to some mitigating measures. The target audience, corporate security planners and human resource managers, faces increased threats in a difficult economy where unhappy workers and disgruntled former workers can turn out to be everyone's worst nightmare.Kerr and three collaborators define the problem of workplace violence, describe its many aspects, and identify its impact on victims, bystanders and the business bottom line. The chapters talks to proactive measures, such as screening the workforce and training people on the proper response to a workplace incident. Some chapters explore less obvious but necessary subsets of the workplace violence issue, such as university campus security. The book concludes with some thoughtful checklists as a starting point for individual programs."Workplace Violence" is written in clear, easy to understand language. The text is repetitive in places, but its points are generally well-taken. It is recommended as a planning resource for security and human resource managers.
This book is a pretty good resource if you work in corporate security or HR. Unfortunately this book is needed at all is a shame. Granted more people die on the way to work in car accidents than they do because of workplace violence, understanding the symptoms and triggers to what can happen can help diffuse tense workplace situations.This book seems more like a university textbook - it's easy to read but is more of theory than practice. I was hoping for something more actionable - something I could take and implement within my own division in my company and bring to HR.The only real valuable part of the book is the appendices. They contain a good number of sample plans and checklists that you could use to build your own custom needs or tweak the ones you have.The book does have some value, but if you're looking for a single resource to help deal with workplace violence, then this may not be it, but it's a good place to start.
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